The Rutgers Addiction Research Center is always looking for faculty candidates to enhance our research community. To discover more about our current active recruitment efforts, please refer to the information provided on this page. If you are aware of a suitable candidate for an available position, we encourage you to please reach out to RARC Director Dr. Danielle Dick,
Faculty Positions at the RARC
The Brain Health Institute (BHI; and Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC; are recruiting a tenured or tenure track faculty member at the Assistant/Associate/Professor level to expand our research program in addiction research with policy implications.
The Brain Health Institute (BHI; and Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC; are recruiting a tenured or tenure track faculty member at the senior Assistant/Associate/Professor level to expand our research program in clinical trials of interventions to treat substance misuse and addiction.
The Brain Health Institute (BHI; and Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC; are recruiting a tenured or tenure track faculty member at the Assistant/Associate/Professor level to expand our research portfolio in the basic/translational science of substance use disorders, broadly defined to include preclinical or human subjects-based research programs.
The Brain Health Institute (BHI; and Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC; are recruiting a tenured or tenure track faculty member at the senior Assistant/Associate/Professor level to expand our research program in the Epidemiology, Etiology, and Prevention of substance misuse and addiction. This is an open- rank search for a new faculty member within the RARC working in Epidemiology, Etiology, and Prevention, conducted in concert with three additional searches for new faculty at the RARC to lead research in the domains of Basic Science; Treatment and Recovery; and Public Policy. Senior candidates will be considered for Associate Director positions for each of these domains, though junior candidates are encouraged to apply.
The Department of Psychiatry at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) seeks Research-Track faculty at any rank to expand our research portfolio. Research-track faculty are matched to a specific research group/lab and work to support the research initiatives of that group/lab under supervision of the principal investigator and/or center director. Research-Track faculty will perform research activities on behalf of the Department of Psychiatry in strategic growth areas, function collaboratively with a multidisciplinary team, and maintain effective communication with staff and administration. Research-Track faculty are expected to have developed sufficient expertise and skills to contribute immediately to the research initiatives of the program they join without an expectation of significant training. Research-Track faculty may be asked to contribute to, and/or submit as principal investigator, applications for extramural funding in their research area of expertise to financially support their position. The Research-Track faculty position is contingent upon continued funding availability.
Addiction-Related Positions at Rutgers
Multiple postdoctoral positions in addiction research are available across Rutgers campuses and departments. A collection of these opportunities can be found on our Training Opportunities page under the Postdoctoral tab.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is seeking a Program Coordinator for the Specialized Addiction Treatment Services Department within Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care.
The primary purpose of the Program Coordinator is to function as a member of the clinical and administrative leadership team in the Specialized Addiction Treatment Services (SATS). Primarily responsible for providing supervision to multi-disciplinary staff and oversight of SATS treatment services for adults. Ensures compliance with all regulations.